
The Order in Australia has an inspirational history – one which has touched so many. We look to the next generation of Knights to continue the good work of the Order throughout Australia. Men of character who are driven by faith and their desire to do good work in the wider community are encouraged to join the Order. The knowledge that you can make a difference for those in need is one of the greatest rewards a Knight can receive.

Why Join?

Membership of the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is open to all practicing Catholic men. Knights are committed to strengthening their faith, supporting the Church, and making the community a better place.

As a service organisation, Knights individually and collectively strive to improve the spiritual and economic wellbeing of all and uphold Christian principles within our community.

Your involvement in the Order will provide you with opportunities to serve the Church, your community and those in need. It will also afford you the opportunity to develop as a Christian and enrich your spiritual life.

What is expected of a Knight?

A member of the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is expected to:

> Contribute his talents towards furthering the Objects of the Order.

> Participate, to the best of his ability and commitments, in Order activities as appropriate.

> Maintain his financial membership.

> Actively participate in the life of the Church.

The Order’s Objects provide scope for members to make positive and valuable contributions, not only for the welfare, both temporal and spiritual, but for the whole of the Australian society.

How To Join

Membership in the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is open to all men 18 years or older who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See.

Applicants must apply to their State Organisation.

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